Plant Care

 Creations by Nathalie Plant Care


Thank you for visiting our website. Below you will find some simple care instructions for your arrangements. If you ever need any help or have any concerns please contact us and we would be more than happy to help. Thank you and enjoy your arrangement!


Orchid Plant

 Orchids need to be watered once a week. Using a spray water bottle, apply 35-40 sprays of water on the bottom of the plant by the roots. You can also use two ice cubes per plant every 1-2 weeks. Never spray the flower or the stem.  Once orchid flowers fall, cut the stem right below the last flower so that a new stem can grow with new flower buds. Do not put in direct sunlight.



Air Plant (Tillandsia)


Air plants should be kept where they'll receive bright, indirect sunlight or under fluorescent home/office lighting. Periods of direct sunlight are just fine, but more than a few hours of hot sun will deplete the plants of their moisture. If your plant will be in a spot with some pretty direct light, try misting them every couple of days to keep them hydrated.


Air plants live on air, right? Uh, not right! While air plants don't grow in soil, they definitely NEED to be watered. While the plants can survive for long periods of drought, they will not grow or thrive and will eventually die off if water is too scarce. Water air plants every two to three days during spring, summer and fall. Spray a fine mist until the water drips from the leaves. Use room-temperature water to avoid stress that would be caused by cold tap water. Cold stress could cause the leaves to turn brown and brittle. Mist them in the morning so they will be dry or nearly dry by the end of the day. Water them less often in the winter during their dormant season.



Succulent Plant

Place in bright indirect light, such as near a window or glass door. Make sure the arrangement is not direct sunlight as the rays of sun may burn the plants.

Using a water bottle, spray the soil at the base of each plant 3-5 times once a month. Make sure the water sprays evenly throughout the arrangement. Let the plant dry out completely between watering.


 Bougainvillia Bonsai

 Position: The bougainvillea needs full sun and high temperatures for producing flowers and for that reason it should be placed outside in a sunny place during the growing season. In autumn the tree should be taken into a cool room with sufficient light (or under grow lights) and at temperatures not below 50°F / 10° C and best not over 59° F / 15° C, which is unfortunately not easy to achieve in many houses.

Watering: Water the bougainvillea thoroughly when the soil gets dry, but avoid constant soil wetness which will lead to root rot, fungal problems, insect susceptibility and death. The species prefers a pH value of 6 to 6.5, so avoid using highly calcareous water.

Feeding: Apply solid organic fertilizer once a month or use a liquid fertilizer every week during the growing season and every two weeks in winter.



Jade Bonsai

 Position: The Jade tree is considered an indoor tree in most temperate zones, although it can be grown outdoors in full sun (and sufficiently high temperatures). Keep temperatures above 5 degrees C (or 41F) at all times. It needs lots of light or even full sun.

Watering: Jade trees can hold large amounts of water inside their leaves. Water sparsely and allow the plant to dry out a little bit between watering. During winter time watering can be as seldom as once every three weeks - though only when the tree is kept relatively cold - monitor your tree closely and water the moment the soil dries out slightly. The Jade Bonsai is not as particular about over-watering as most other succulents.

Feeding: Once a month during the growth season (spring-autumn).



Juniper Bonsai

 Position: Place the tree outside, year-round, on a bright spot with lots of sunlight. The Juniper cannot live indoors. During the winter protect the tree once temperatures drop below -10 degrees C (14F). Some species change their foliage color during frosty periods to a purplish brown which is connected with their frost protection mechanism. In spring they will turn green again.

Watering: Be careful not to water too much, as the juniper roots don't like soil wetness. Before you water, the soil should dry slightly. Misting the tree can be done regularly, especially after the tree has been repotted because it benefits from air humidity.

Feeding: Use normal organic fertilizer pellets or balls every month during the growth season or a liquid fertilizer each week. If strong growth is desired some higher nitrogen levels can be applied in spring.



Desert Rose Adenium

 Desert Rose Adenium like bright light, so a southern window exposure provides enough sun for the plants to flourish and bloom. In the garden, choose a sunny location that has some protection from noonday sun, as this can scorch the foliage.

Position: In a warm climate, the Desert Rose can be kept outside year round. In temperate climates, it can be placed outside in a sunny position or in semi-shade from May to September. From autumn until spring the tree needs a warm place in the house or greenhouse with a lot of light. The temperature should not fall below 5° C / 40° F. In most cases the Desert Rose will drop its leaves in winter.

Watering: The Desert Rose needs to watered only every 7 to 10 days.

Feeding: Use liquid fertilizer at half the recommended strength once a month from spring to autumn.